The Loritus Difference
Performance under Pressure

In less than 12 hours, a Loritus HTC solution will convert 100% of your organic input into multiple stable sterile and storable carbon products.
Fast processing = small sites, less smell, less emissions
While composting and biogas take weeks, and have significant emissions and residual waste (up to 20%!), HTC from Loritus is largely emissions free with zero residual waste, and the business case works without subsidies.

Carbon Neutral & Carbon Sequestering Products

A single HTC solution from Loritus will process any biological waste in any combination, and produce a vast array of eco-friendly products that are carbon neutral and carbon sequestering. Flexibility creates long term financial viability and control
No other waste recovery service has this long term risk control.
Energy Self Sufficiency
A big reason why Loritus HTC is typically operating at a 50% cost advantage with virtually no emissions is that the process is energy self sufficient after ignition.
A Loritus HTC service is a continuously processing solution (not batch) that maximises the recovery of energy from the exothermic reaction of HTC.
This means that once processing conditions are reached, there is no need to add new thermal energy for the process to continue

Patented &
Loritus was one of the first companies to apply the HTC principles of heat and pressure in a wet environment to waste. Luckily for us, we also achieved and defended our core patented designs, which allow us to scale, process, and operate with best in class costs and efficiency.
Loritus targets input streams between 6,000 tons and 50,000 tons per year. This is capability is unique

Local Products In &
Local Products Out
Because a Loritus HTC solution is virtually emissions free, and can process input so quickly our sites are very small and very clean. This allows local solutions to be found, which previously are unobtainable.
Managing local input and creating locally required products - fertility or energy products - minimises pollution and cost.

No Subsidies &
No Residual Waste
Popular recovery and recycling solutions have intensive preparation BEFORE and during recovery, and significant secondary waste AFTER recovery. These are costs - both environmentally and financially - which make the solutions rely on public subsidies to survive.
HTC is energy self sufficient, largely emissions free, and has no intensive preparation or no residual solid waste. No subsidies required.