- a good recipe & a good chef!
With HTC what you put in will have a direct result on what you get out. Loritus is focusing more and more on developing biochar and fertility products to support both industry and governments implement operations and policies that achieve maximum benefit.

Notably it is not just the solid from an HTC process (ie. the biochar) that has valuable uses, the water is a potent fertilizer rich in all the essential nutrients to stimulate plant growth.
HTC water has incredible fertility benefits - generally cut down to a 9:1 ratio.

- a bright clean future!

Turning unwanted material - food waste, Animal By products (ABP), biomass, sewage sludge, marine - into robust energy rich and carbon neutral fuel is brilliant.
Using a process that is not energy intensive, polluting, or needing subsidies to operate is just sound policy.
Loritus biocoal is a perfect substitute for its mined cousin, for woodchips, and any other biomass.
Besides being low in salinity and sulfur the homogeneous and designer qualities of biocoal make it profoundly easy to use.
Loritus has spectacular results when processing hetrogeneous biological material:
24-29 MJ/kg for food waste
17-23 MJ/kg for sludge
14-16 MJ/kg for spent mushroom compost

Organic Farming?
As HTC has no chemical additives to it, in theory we should be able to take organic farm waste and create organic biochar and soil. The benefit of this could be significant for managing large organic waste streams, and the development of new fertility products.
If you are interest in these types of things get it touch with us!